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           ... Free Flowing
           ... Low Cement
           ... Dry Mortar
           ... Wet Mortar
   Gun Mix ...
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   Pre-Cast Shapes...

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    Carbon Baking...
    Aluminum ...
    Incineration ...
    Hydro Carbon...
    Foundries ...
The use of PRE-CAST SHAPES has dramatically increased. If properly manufactured, they have a distinct advantage over conventionally installed refractories. Increased service life, while decreasing installation time and cost are optimum features. At our facilities, strict quality control procedures and controlled manufacturing techniques, assures that the highest quality product is produced. Manufacturing variables such as amount of mixing water, mixing time, optimum vibration ( compaction ), and proper bake-out are rigorously adhered to. Thus the risk of human error, when installing refractories in place, is eliminated. The following pictures illustrate some of the shapes we manufacture for various industries.

Why You Should Consider Precast/Prefired Cooler Blocks

Reduction of Start Up Time - Without doubt, one of the greatest advantages of utilizing pre-cast Cooler Blocks is that complex and time consuming initial firing schedules can be avoided. Because it is often difficult to control Cooler temperatures over the first few hundred degrees of start up, refractory linings' are likely to crack and spall, brining about premature failure. Because pre-cast Cooler Blocks are already dried out, start up time can be reduced, resulting in more production time.

Failure Cost Savings - All pre-cast, pre-fired blocks are delivered free of unnecessary cracking. Any costs associated with cracking or spalling during dry out, is absorbed by the manufacturer and not the end user.

Strength Maximization - Pre-cast Cooler Blocks are fired isothermally, meaning the Cooler Block absorbs the heat evenly on all sides. Linings cast on site, are often fired from only one direction, therefore, maximum strength is not always obtained due to the thermal gradients that exists between the hot and cold faces of the lining. On site casting can greatly compromise the strength and durability of the refractory.

Form Work Elimination - The need for complex and often expensive forming required for on site casting is eliminated, resulting in savings of form material, installation and transportation costs.

Installation Time Savings - By employing pre-cast Cooler Blocks, installation time can be drastically cut, as there is no need to allow time for stripping the forms or drying out the castable.

Failure Minimization - Castable refractory exhibits lower strength when dried then when fired and when installed under load, it can lead to premature failure during the initial firing process.

Increased Dimensional Stability - All castable refractory is subject to permanent linear change during firing. The use of pre-cast, Cooler Blocks allows the placement of components and expansion joints to produce the best possible lining, reducing your exposure to expensive rework.

Reduced Maintenance Cost - Should a pre-cast, pre-fired Cooler Block ever need replaced, simply remove the nut on the outside of the cooler shell and use the All Thread to tap out. A new Block can then be inserted in it's place. No need for messy, time consuming tear out or time consuming set up, for casting or gunite installation.

When you think about it, it just makes sense!

[ Click here for sample pictures! ]


Copyright©  2003 Milbro Refractories Inc.